Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ah, the life of a dog!

Good news! My watch will be repaired. It won't be free...but it will be fixed, and cheaper than a super expensive, nice watch. ::sigh::

If I were a dog, I wouldn't worry about things like watches and what time of day it might be. I might be thinking about my next meal, but only if I'm not sitting calmly in a sunny spot soaking up God's good sunshine. I would be looking at the world from about a foot off the ground. I would be looking for my comfy spot in my little bed in the school room where my people seem to spend so much of their time. It would not bother me if my mailbox only had political ads in it. I wouldn't be concerned about what shoes match with my pants. I would understand that my people love me and care a lot about me. I'd be thankful everyday for the place God put me those many years in San Diego when I first came to them.

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