Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trefethen Vineyard in Napa

Quite possibly this is my most favorite wildflower to date. I first met this flower when we lived in San Diego and would visit the Wild Animal Park in Escondido. The Wild Animal Park has a lot of botanical displays where I saw this flower for the first time. I couldn't remember the name of the flower, just called it the Giant Egg Yolk Poppy. So, today before posting my most recent pictures of this beauty, I had to see if I could find the name of the flower. I finally found the name! It is called the Matilija Poppy, apparently named after an Indian Chief from the Chumash Indians. Chumash Indians were a group of Southern California Indians. I'm so glad to finally know the name of this flower. I wonder if I could successfully grow a few in my yard? Wouldn't it be fun to try? This flower was living in the Trefethen Vineyard in Napa, California. We had a lovely day trip with our "old neighbors" from Missouri who came to visit us this last week.
More flowers and vineyard scenes will be posted tomorrow.

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